DBH: Product Detail Page Redesign

An application that provides insurance inquiry, insurance analysis, and insurance comparison, a third-party neutral platform for information exchange and analysis.

About app

DBH is an application that aims to provide solutions for consumers when choosing the right insurance for their particular needs. It’s a platform for prospective insurance consumers to communicate with each other about the issues they encountered and offers a variety of resources related to insurance issues and overcoming an information asymmetry.

My role

I was part of a small team alongside the other two designers. I was responsible for the user experience, interaction design, and visual design for the modules I worked on.In addition, I partnered with the other two designers to lead efforts to evolve the whole app user experience.

Existing problems

On our old product detail page, when the page scrolls, there will be four tabs on the top:
articles about this insurance, discussion, coverage, and consult.

There are some problems that exist in the first place:

Articles about
this insurance:
As long as there is a keyword for this insurance, it will be displayed in this tab.
So many times, after reading the article, it’s found that it is not directly helpful.
Often contains irrelevant content.
We received some feedback, after reading it, it still feels complicated to understand.
There is already a consultation button on the toolbar, but there are still many consultation entrances on the page.
The feature is repeated on the same page.

Our users

Our users are who have yet to purchase insurance products but are willing to do so.
They want to filter insurance independently, then buy the right one that suits them. And the frustrations are as follows:

Users who have not purchased insurance
products but are willing to do so
“I want to filter insurance products independently, then buy the right one that suits me.”
a、Insurance agents are not neutral enough because of high interest
b、Insurance clauses are complicated and not easy to understand
c、Looking for affordable insurance products

The challenge

How might we...
...make insurance details more transparent and make it easier for users to find suitable ones for themselves?

Understand the users

There are two flows to enter the product details.

One directly searches the insurance type or company, then goes to the product list and chooses one of them to see the detail page.

Another is to click the choose insurance button on the toolbar, choose insurance type or company, then goes to the product list and choose one to see the detail page.

When users view the current detail page, they think the clauses still seem complicated, and the content doesn’t help determine whether this insurance suits them.So the ideal state is the clauses and content are clear, easy to understand, and be helpful for them in making a decision.

So next, I partnered with the actuarial team to break down the insurance. Although there are many different types of insurance, like health insurance, life insurance, saving insurance, etc. Their information structure has similarities. The main modules are: Coverage、Insured rules、Plan highlights、Claim process、And case show.

And, we conducted a questionnaire to understand the priority of modules when users learn about insurance and
other factors users would consider when learning about insurance. Some of the questions were:


After the questionnaire, we got the initial module sequence. We also got feedback. In addition to highlights, users also like
to know about the disadvantages of insurance. And hope similar products would be recommended to them, so they could compare
clauses and select the suitable one.

Initial module sequence

In fact, the comparison feature was available on our old version, but in the old version, users needed
to find products to compare by themselves. So I optimized and added a module for similar products, allowing users to
compare without finding products themselves. And added objective suggestions to the highlights module.


In the old version, we displayed the scores for each aspect, like overall score, service, production reputation, coverage, value for money, company brand, insurance flexibility,and some other information like applicable people, and ranking of the same type of insurance.

Through the questionnaire, these are still the factors that users will care about when learning about insurance, so no changes were made to this section.However, because this whole information is on the first screen, I wanted the information to be a little more focused.

Showing the scores for each aspect does give more detail, but too much information can make it difficult for users to decide. And some info like ranking is displayed repeatedly.So here shows an overall score, and if the user wants to know the score for each aspect, click on the corresponding option.

Also, when the user clicks on the score, it will tell how the score is derived. For example, for product reputation, a database of included products is used to evaluate various aspects, like claim rates, user reviews, and complaints.After the discussion at the time, we decided to go with this solution.

Product detail page

And this is what the product detail page looks like.
Group the ranking information, display the overall score, and the sequence of the modules.

Layout - margin & spacing

Because there are multiple types of insurance, so I made a card margin guide for expansion and reuse,

Like the coverage module, the content inside will change with the change of the insurance type. If there is life insurance, the content would be different. So I made a margin and spacing guideline so developers can follow the approach whether the content is added or reduced.

The other part is the alignment of the icon and the text. The first one is to align the bottom part as a whole with the icon horizontally,
which will look unbalanced visually. And the second alignment will be more visually balanced.

Next step

Conduct A/B testing of the new and old versions, the key metrics that we want to look at:
a、What's the user's average time on page
b、% of  users add products to likes
c、% of users compare similar products on the page
d、% of users made consultation on this page


Unfortunately, I left the company before these numbers came out.

My biggest challenge was not enough time to do user interviews because the project was on a tight schedule.If I had more time and resources, I would have conducted user interviews to better validate my design, like the display of the overall score, instead of making a hasty decision because of time constraints.

During the product design process, our schedule was very tight. So we were often asked, “how fast can we build it?"  So to some extent, we compromised and simplified some critical features and usability. We compromised on the quality of the product.

Now I gradually understand that for a brand new product, what matters is not how I feel but what users feel and how they use it. We still have a lot of room to improve and learn about this product.