Guagua Reading: English Storybook for Children

An application about  English storybooks customized for 6-10 years aging, master reading skills while enjoying the fun of reading.


My role

I was part of the team and worked alongside a junior UX designer. I was responsible for the user experience, interaction design, and visual design. In addition, I worked alongside two product managers to uncover insights and address user behaviors and motivations.

The challenge

Before Guagua Reading, we only had one app called Jiliguala, which covered too narrow an age range. It only satisfies the essential learning of vocabulary and phrases, but advancing study like fully understanding the whole text in context is not satisfied. In addition, the new user growth rate of Jiliguala slows down in the later period, and the revenue model is single.

So our challenge was how to make Guagua Reading meet the needs of advanced learning and increase the scale and speed of revenue.

The approach

To understand the needs and expectations of parents for children's English reading, we mainly conducted focus group discussions and telephone interviews.Through focus group discussion to understand the needs of parents for online English reading, after the focus group discussion, we conducted telephone interviews with users who paid Jiiliguala within the past three months and users who were using competing products.

The discovery

Through focus group discussions and telephone interviews, we found three keys drive parents to get their children to use online English reading:

And some problems we found parents and children encountered in the process of English reading:

The vision

Our vision was to give children an equal opportunity to receive high-quality English education and help them
build self-confidence in both language learning and expression.

Detailed design

Style guide

To maintain the visual consistency of the brand, in the choice of font and primary color, we continued to use the same font and
primary color as our other app called Jiliguala.


Through research, we found that when parents choose storybooks for their children, some do not know how to pick a suitable storybook for their children, and the other part hopes to choose storybooks that match their children's English level. Therefore, in the onboarding process, we ask questions about children's age and English level to make an understanding, then recommend the level where children to start, and let the children read storybooks that are consistent with their English level.

Onboarding flow

Throughout the onboarding process, to reduce the dullness and boring of answering questions added a little animation to the process.


Through research, we also found that parents hope that storybooks not only have input (learn essential vocabulary, understand storybooks) but also hope to have the output of the child (speaking, understanding the content).

Therefore, the learning path of each storybook is listening -> recording -> practice -> comprehension


When recording the storybook, in addition to marking the words with poor pronunciation during the recording process, after recording the complete storybook, again will focus on correcting the pronunciation of the words that are not well-pronounced.



After reading all the storybooks at one level and before entering the next advanced level, children need to pass a test to check whether they can read at the next level.

Assessment question type

The impact

We conducted a questionnaire after the app launched two months, and the completion rate of the questionnaire was 46%. We received both positive and negative feedback within this range. Unfortunately, negative feedback primarily relates to the accuracy of the oral evaluation of AI. In the next step, we will conduct qualitative research on negative feedback to determine the next optimization plan and ongoing improve the accuracy of AI assessment.


75.6% of parents think they no longer need to worry about not being able to help
their children because of parents' pronunciation

61% of parents believe our app helps their children develop the habit of reading

55.3% of parents think they don't need to look for storybook resources anymore everywhere,
the app helps them solve how to choose high-quality storybooks


App Store reviews
I read some English storybooks for my son before, they were all found in various places, and the quality was worrying. The price of physical books is costly, and I have no idea how to choose when faced with so many books. Guagua Reading solved a few of my problems, great! We read a couple of storybooks with my son today. The little guy read them very seriously, clapping his hands when we read the exciting parts.
I download Guagua Reading for two reasons: 1. The efficiency is high, there are no complicated links, and the AI ​​score response is fast. 2. The recommended reading content image is beautiful, despite some styles are still inconsistent, it is good.
My child lost patience after reading sentences over and over due to the low accuracy of AI assessments. Hope it can be improved.
It would be perfect if it could add a few more functions for vocabulary and sentence translation.
I think it is splendid, simple but effective. It's reassuring to let the child use it by himself.
I hope it could add audio which allows the child to strengthen listening input after reading the exact book while protecting their eyesight. And hope it could add sentence translation.